
草莓大福 / Ichigo Daifuku (Strawberry sticky cake with Red bean filling)

想必大家都看過也吃過這道超級美味的草莓大福,光聽名字就感到超級有福氣的,感覺吃了它所有霉氣都會一掃而空,福神降臨。一入口麻糬的綿細,加上薄薄的甜豆餡,感到膩口時,草莓的酸馬上衝入味蕾,這三種味覺的衝擊,只有一個字可以形容,那就是 ""! 
連我那老外腦公第一次吃,都讚不絕口,一直在那邊 古得 古得 ( Good good) !
這道非常適合不太愛吃甜食的朋友們,Vita 在此分享這大福給大家,祝你們福氣滿滿滿!

This transditional Japanese dessert has a best name, Ichigo means Strawberry and Daifuku means BIG LUCK! It has a soft texiture outside and a sweet sour stuffing inside which they create the best balance on your taste buds. I wish you give it a try and wish you all the best LUCK!

準備時間 30 分鐘 / Preparation time: 30 minutes
份量 6 個 / Q'ty: 6 

所需材料 / Ingredients: 

6顆小顆草莓(約10元銅幣大小)   6 medium size strawberries 
現成的紅豆餡 100 公克    100 g Pre-made red bean paste  
糯米粉 130 公克     130 g sticky rice flour (glutinous rice flour)
糖 20公克                20 g sugar
150cc                  150 ml water  

做法 / Direction 

1. 將草莓的葉子切掉,並將紅豆餡搓成6個等量丸子    
A. Remove the strawberry leaves and divide red bean paste into 6 same size balls 

2. 將糯米粉及糖混合均勻,再將水分三次慢慢地加入粉內,直到沒有粉末殘留。
B. If you have microwave, please use a medium microwave-safe glass bowl, mix rice flour and sugar with a whisk. If you don't have microwave, you can use any type of bowl.

Using a silicone spatula, slowly add water in 3 parts and stir until the mixture has reached a thick consistency. Cover loosely with plastic wrap.

3. 無微波爐者放置小碗放在鍋子裡蒸約10分鐘。
C. If you don't have microwave, please steam the rice flour mixtrue for 10 minutes.

有微波爐者,蓋上保鮮膜(不要封緊),用1200w 微波1分鐘,然後拿出來稍微攪一下;再放回去微波1 分鐘後,拿出來攪一下; 最後一次再微波個30秒。

If you have microwave; first, microwave 1 minute (for 1200W microwave). Mix well with a wet silicone spatula. The mixture is still whitish and floury. Then repeat this process for another 2 times at 1 minute and 30 seconds each. Now the mochi mixture should look translucent.

4.  拿一個盤子裝點玉米粉或太白粉,將麻糬丟進去揉勻到不黏,再用刀子分成6點份。
D. Sift corn flour on the tray and put the mochi on top. Fold the mochi in the flour so it won’t be as sticky and then divide into 6 equal pieces.

5. 將紅豆丸子押扁,將草莓擺在中間,紅豆餡包覆草莓。
E. Wrap the strawberries with red bean paste.

6. 手抹點粉末,將麻糬皮稍微拉薄點,再將內餡放入,草莓尖頭朝上,四周皮往上拉包起。

F. Put some corn starch on your hands and flatten and expand each mochi into a 3” round or square. Then put the filling on top of it, with the strawberry tip face up.Then covering the strawberry from all sides and use your thumb to hold the mochi on top.

Then it's done!

