
日式起司蛋糕 / Japanese Cheese cake


Had you ever tried a Japanese Cheese cake? It is quite different compare to Western cheese cake. The texture is fluffy, creamy and light. It sorts like between soufflé and sponge cake. In Japan they call it soufflé cheesecake.

This kind of Cheese cake is very popular in Asia, I hope you give a try and find out the reason why it has been one of the most popular desserts in Asia. 

To read more, please click the black words below. 

準備時間: 20 分鐘                
烹飪時間: 50 分鐘
份量: 2 條蛋糕

Preparation time: 20 minutes  
Baking time: 50 minutes  
Q'ty: 2 blocks, about 20 slices


牛奶 250 CC(毫升)
250克    (又稱:忌廉芝士; 英文名稱: cream cheese) 切小塊,需放室溫軟化)
奶油 butter 置室溫軟化 60克
蛋6顆 (將蛋白 、蛋黃分離)
低筋粉(cake flour) 55克
玉米粉(太白粉 可) 20克
檸檬皮屑 1顆量 (在台灣叫萊姆,是黃色的檸檬)
塔塔粉 (cream of tartar) 1/4茶匙
細砂糖 (caster sugar)130克


Milk 250 ml 
Cream cheese 250 g (Please cut into cubes and need to be soften at room temputure) 

Butter 60 g (Room tempture) 
Egg yolks x 6 
Egg whites x 6
Cake flour 55 g
Corn flour 20 g
1 lemon zest 
Cream of tartar 1/4 tsp
caster sugar 130 g 

做法 / Direction 


First preheat the oven at 150 C/320 F 

1. 先把牛奶倒進一大碗中,放在小鍋熱水上用小火加熱,盤底不接觸熱水。加奶油奶酪(忌廉芝士),隨時攪拌,直至完全溶解,沒有粒粒和平滑。加入奶油(牛油),拌至完全溶解。關火,把鍋子置一旁放涼。

a. Pour the milk into a large bowl and place the bowl over the simmering water but DO NOT let the bottom of the bowl touch the water. Add creamcheese cubes into the bowl and keep stiring and complete dissolved and the mixture turns smooths. Then add butter and stir with the milk and creamcheese mixture until it all melted. Remove from the heat and leave to the side for cooling down a bit. 

2. 把蛋白放入一個乾淨的大碗中(註:碗一定要沒有油和沒有水份)。用電動搞拌器把蛋白打至起泡,一起泡就馬上加入塔塔粉。繼續搞打,將幼砂糖分3次加入,打至蛋白尖峰挺立而不下垂。如果把碗倒立,蛋白霜沒滴下來,就是成功囉!

b. Place egg whites in a large clean bowl. (PS: Please make sure the bowl is very clean, no water or oil at all.) Beat the egg whites for 3 minutes by electric mixer,  then add cream of tartar as soon as you see the bubbles appear and blend again.

Add 1/3 of the sugar at a time as the mixer runs. Once all of the sugar has been added, keep whipping for around 4 minutes until the meringue has doubled in volume and is thick and glossy. To test the meringue is done, you can turn the bowl upside down. If the meringue did not drop, it is ready.

一起泡馬上加塔塔粉  / Add cream of tar tar when the bubbles appear.

真的很重 Very heavy!

3. 將6顆蛋黃加入剛剛放在一旁冷卻的起司奶酪醬,攪拌均勻。
c. Add the egg yolks to the cooled cream mixture and mix well. 

將麵粉及太白粉(Corn flour)先混勻,再分3次篩進起司奶酪醬裡,每加一回就得攪拌均勻。
d. Blend flour and corn flour together first, then add into cream mixture over 3 times and mix them for each time you add the flour.

5. 刮1顆檸檬屑,加入剛剛的起司奶酪醬裡。
e. Add 1 lemon zest to the cheese cream mixture. 


6. 將蛋白霜分3次慢慢加入起司奶酪醬,記得,邊攪拌邊轉動盤子 ,慢慢地由下往上攪。直到沒有任何的小球狀,整個非常均勻,但不可攪得太過用力,太久。
f.  Add  the meringue to the batter over 3 times and gently fold it in from the bottom to top until there are no white meringue bubbles. (PS: DO NOT mix it but fold it.) 

7. 塗點油在烤盤表面,然後將烤紙鋪在上面,長邊短邊都要鋪,裁剪的越合烤盤越好,這樣烤出來會很漂亮,然後蛋糕醬倒入烤盤。拿一支竹籤在蛋糕液裡轉幾圈,這樣可以把蛋糕液裡的空氣趕出去,烤出來的蛋糕才不會有洞洞。

g. Lightly grease the surface of the cake tin with cooking spray or melt butter and line with the baking paper. 
Pour the batter in the cake tin and stair the batter with a stick to remove any air bubbles.

8. 另拿一個大烤盤,裡頭加熱水,水位需達到蛋糕烤盤的一半,然後把蛋糕盤放在裡面。此舉可以幫助溫度平均分散到蛋糕底部,使其口感溼潤、柔軟。

h. Place the cake tin in a large roasting pan and pour boiling water in the roasting pan until the half way. Place the baking pan in the middle rack of the oven. (The reason why we put hot water in the pan is that steam will help making cake soft and moist and hot water around the cake will gradually cook inside the cake while baking in the oven.)


9. 將烤盤放入烤箱中層,以防蛋糕太靠近上層熱區導致表面焦掉,用150C 烤約50至60分鐘。每10分鐘記得看一下蛋糕,是否脹太高或開始焦,那就是烤箱溫度過高,須調低一點溫度,或是剛烤箱門打開散熱一下。用竹籤插一下,若沒黏黏的,就是烤好了。我的火侯控制得很好,所以蛋糕完全沒膨脹,而且上色得好漂亮,開心。

i.  Bake for 150 C about 50 to 60 minutes until light golden brown on the top. Test with a needle or skewer that comes out clean.
Turn off the oven. Leave the oven door ajar for 10 minutes. Remove from the oven and remove from the pans. Let cool completely on a wire rack. Chill in a fridge for about 3 hours.

