和了老麵的這些寶貝兒,軟Q 軟Q的咧!咬一口花生糖漿整個大爆漿呀!
I had few readers asked me how to make Taiwanese "Jiuniang Bin". It is like an English muffin/Crumpet which has its dough mixed with sweet fermented-rice and some sweet fillings, such as brown sugar syrup or peanut sugar powder; you can even make it savoury by filling it with some shredded cheese.
They used to be found quite easily in some street food shops in Taiwan; however it is getting really rare these days as it does take a bit time to make them. However, it is so yummy and worth the time to spend. I wish you give a try and I know you will enjoy them.
Please go to B Section for the direction and ingredients.
和了老麵的這些寶貝兒,軟Q 軟Q的咧!咬一口花生糖漿整個大爆漿呀!
I had few readers asked me how to make Taiwanese "Jiuniang Bin". It is like an English muffin/Crumpet which has its dough mixed with sweet fermented-rice and some sweet fillings, such as brown sugar syrup or peanut sugar powder; you can even make it savoury by filling it with some shredded cheese.
They used to be found quite easily in some street food shops in Taiwan; however it is getting really rare these days as it does take a bit time to make them. However, it is so yummy and worth the time to spend. I wish you give a try and I know you will enjoy them.
Please go to B Section for the direction and ingredients.
以下老麵團可加、可不加,通常加了老麵團的餅皮會更香, 但如果你想省時間,可以省去做老麵團的步驟A,直接跳步驟B。
A: 老麵麵團
材料:中筋麵粉120g, 一般乾酵母1/2茶匙, 溫水(手摸不燙的程度)80g, 鹽少許
(註1 : 冬天的話,若你所處地方低於20度C,我會建議乾酵母多加個1/4~1/2茶匙。)
(註2: 如果使用速發酵母(instant yeast)使用量請減少1半,且不需要泡溫水靜置5分鐘, 可以直接加入。)
(註3: 需要包餡的麵團,會建議使用乾酵母。)
1.一般乾酵母(active dry yeast)放入溫水中靜置5分鐘,但現在很多都不需要先放溫水靜置,請看包裝上的說明。
(註: 若你所處地是冬天低於20度C,且乾燥的話,請將麵團放置溫暖處。我自己的話是將烤箱預熱50度C 10分鐘,然後關掉電源,將麵團盆放入烤箱,放杯水然後關上門至少6小時。)
B.主麵團 /Dough
中筋麵粉 2 量杯
鹽 1/2 茶匙
白糖 2大匙
一般乾酵母 2茶匙 (註: 若用即溶酵母請將量減半。)
(註1 : 冬天的話,若你所處地方低於20度C,我會建議乾酵母多加個1/4~1/2茶匙。)
(註2: 如果使用速發酵母(instant yeast)使用量請減少1半, 且不需要泡溫水, 可以直接加入。)
(註3: 需要包餡的麵團,會建議使用乾酵母。)
50 g Fermented Rice - boiled it first and sit aside until it cools down.
2 cups Flour, 1 cup water, 1/2 tsp active dry yeast, 1/4 tsp salt, 1tbsp vegetable oil, 2 tbsp sugar
(Note 1: If you used Instant yeast, please reduce the q'ty by half. )
(Note 2: If the room temperature is under 20C, please add 1/4 tsp more of yeast.)
酒釀先煮沸讓酒精蒸發。 |
紅糖 1/2杯,花生粉(或黑芝麻粉)2大匙,鹽少許,全部混合備用。
韓式糖餡餅餡料: 紅糖2大匙+肉桂粉1茶匙+核桃仁切碎。
Filling: Brown sugar 2 tbsp, cinnimon powder 1/4 tsp, peanuts powder. Mix them together.
(Note: You may use red bean paste, white bean paste, shred cheese or sesame powder... any fillings you like. )
(註: 紅豆泥,白豆沙,起司絲,芋頭泥.....等等,看你想加什麼料都可。) |
8個 (無加老麵團)
12個 (加了老麵團)
1. 將所有材料全部放在盆內,用飯匙攪勻,蓋上保鮮膜放在室溫至少一個小時。一個小時後麵團會長大,表面會充滿氣泡。
(註: 若你所處地是冬天低於20度C,且乾燥的話,請將麵團放置溫暖處。我自己的話是將烤箱預熱50度C 10分鐘,然後關掉電源,將麵團盆放入烤箱,放杯水然後關上門讓麵團發酵1小時。)
(註: 現在很多一般乾酵母都不需要先放溫水靜置,請看包裝上的說明。
Q'ty: 8
1. Place 1 cup of lukewarm water into a mixing bowl and add fermented Rice, white sugar, yeast, salt, vegetable oil and mix them well; then add flour. Use a spoon to mix them well for about couple of minutes. Cover the bowl with the lid closed and let dough sit for 1 hour at room temperature for 1 hour. After an hour the dough will rise to double its size. Knead it to remove the gas bubbles in the dough.
1小時後,麵團會長大一倍並充滿氣泡。 Dough had doubled its size and full of bubbles after 1 hour of resting. |
2. 用飯匙攪拌麵團約1分鐘,將氣泡趕出,然後蓋上保鮮膜,再讓它發酵個20分鐘。
2. Knead the dough with a spoon for about 1 minute to get rid of gas bubbles and close the lid to let it rest for another 20 minutes.
3. 工作檯上散點麵粉、兩手也沾點麵粉,開始揉麵;若你有做老麵團的話,此時可以全部或部分加入,看你想吃的份量。此時麵團會濕黏是正常的,可再加點粉幫助操作,揉個5分鐘直到質地非常柔軟但不沾黏的手感。然後麵團等量切成你要的份量。
3. Knead the dough again to remove the gas bubbles. Spread 1/2 cup of flour on your working board. Put the dough on your cutting board and knead it. Make it into a lump, and cut it into some equal-sized balls.
4. 將麵團壓平點,將餡料放在麵皮上包起來,手在兩面麵皮壓扁點,再靜置個10分鐘。
平底鍋放點油用中火、加蓋將兩面煎至金黃即可。 若你將餅壓得很扁,就是韓式糖餡餅的煎法。
4. Take 1 dough ball and flatten it, put some filling in the center of the dough, then seal and flat it.
(Repeat this process for 8 times until all the dough are used.) Let them rest for 10 minutes.
In the mean time, heat up a non-stick pan over small to medium heat and add some vegetable oil. Place dough on the pan and let it cook for 3 minutes or until the bottom of the dough is light golden brown. Turn it over and cover the lid; until both size are cooked to golden brown.
For making Taiwanese Scone: Please turn dough over but don't flat it too much.
For making Korean sweet pancakes: Please turn dough over and press the dough with a spatula to make a thin and wide circle like CD size.