
花生煎餅/ Taiwanese Pancake with peanut powder, sugar & black sesame filling

只要是台灣人,應該都吃過花生煎餅,通常會在像 "小時候的大餅" 那樣的,大陸北方老杯杯店裡買到,一口咬下,口感軟中帶Q,滿口花生、黑芝麻香,糖霜甜中帶鹹,再配口熱茶,我想如果當初法王路易16有吃到這塊的話,就沒有今天的馬卡龍了,贊成的請舉手。

This pancake is very popular afternoon snack for Taiwanese.
It is a flour dough pancake filled with peanuts powder, sugar and black sesames.

I used to get them from the street bun shops which usually owned by some elder people from North China.

When you take a bite, the perfect balance of sweetness and salinity sugar powder; the fragrance of the peanuts powder and black sesame seed; and let’s not to forget about the fluffy but elasticity texture. It is really easy to make and perfect for the non-sweet tooth people.  I hope you give it a try. 

準備時間: 2小時
份量: 約2~3塊大餅,3人份

Preparation time: 2 hours
Q'ty:  2~3 pieces of pancake for 3 people


A. 酵種
(註: 如果你用的昰乾酵母,請用1茶匙)

B. 麵糰

餡料: 花生粉5大匙、細砂糖2大匙、鹽巴1/2茶匙、黑芝麻少許 (全部混在一起。)


100g plain flour, 1/2 tsp Instant yeast, cold water 140 g
(Note: If you use dry yeast, please change to 1 tsp.)

100g plain flour, 20g caster sugar, 1 x egg (about 48~50g), 85g cold water

Filling: (Combine all the follows together.)
5 tbsp roasted peanuts powder or coarsely ground
2 tbsp caster sugar
Pinch of salt
Roasted black sesame


1. 將A料中的酵母和麵粉混合,再加入水一起攪拌,然後蓋上保鮮膜與空氣隔絕,放在溫暖處50分鐘,即可成為酵種。

1. Mix yeast and flour together from ingredient A and then add 140 g water, blend them together.
Cover it with clear wrap or lid and let it sit at warm room temperature for 50 minutes.

2. 將步驟一完成後的酵種與材料B的蛋、水、糖混合;然後再加入麵粉攪拌6分鐘。再次蓋上保鮮膜放在溫暖處50分鐘。

2. After 50 minutes, please add egg, water and suger from Ingredient B to the dough from step 1 and mix well; then add flour, mix them all together for 6 minutes. Again, cover it with clear wrap or lid and let it sit at warm room temperature for another 50 minutes.

3. 50 分鐘後,麵團應該會膨脹,表面充滿氣泡。用中小火熱平底鍋,表面沾點油。

3. After 50 minutes the dough will rise to about double its size and have lots of bubbles on the surface. Heat up a non-stick pan over small to medium heat and add some cooking oil. Place 2/3 cup of the mixture on the pan and let it cook for 1 minute, the bubbles should appear more at this moment; then turn it over cook it until golden brown.  Repeat this 6 times for making 6 pancakes.



