關於我/About me

一個在台灣長大,卻嫁到千哩遠澳洲布里斯本的彰化小孩。 超級痛恨為煮飯而煮飯,但卻可以為了烤出老公最愛的胡椒餅,站在廚房裡5個小時。 常任性地想吃彰化老家巷口的那家牛肉麵,想試試韓劇裡常出現的炸醬麵,想回味日本飯店早餐的那條鹹鮭魚配味噌湯,想吃看看電影當哈利遇上莎莉裡的那塊蘋果派...... 太陽獅子,上昇牡羊,月亮射手,其他大多是雙子的熱血在體內滾滾的留著,超級行動派外加喜歡挑戰新口味, 想吃就做,別囉唆是我的座右銘,正所謂任性無罪,好吃有理! 總而言之,無論你想吃中式,台式,韓式,日式還是西式料理,來吧!跟著Vita一起環遊世界,任性到底。 Hi everyone, I am Vita Tauté, a Taiwanese girl who is happily married and living in Australia since 2005. Do you hate cooking just for the sake of the cooking? Well I do! However, I love to create or explore the dishes that represent the different nationalities, as I truly believe from their cuisine you can get a better understanding and insight into their culture and life attitude. Fancy any Taiwanese, Chinese, Korean, Japanese or Western dishes? Well then, follow along and let me show you what I mean, in this blog, YOU DON'T HAVE TO GO IN SEARCH OF THE WORLD ANYMORE, BUT RATHER, THE WORLD WILL JUST COME TO YOU. So let's go Play to Plate! Woohoo~~~ Vita Tauté xoxox


帕芙洛娃蛋白霜 / Pavlova~ The dessert from down under.

Pavlova (帕芙洛娃)是一道只有蛋白霜、無麵粉的甜點。它的外殼酥脆,夾心軟Q,加上水果的清爽微酸,鮮奶油及卡士達醬的香甜、濃郁,整個配合得天衣無縫,我認為它是全天下最簡單,卻超級無敵好吃的甜點,加上做法及材料準備容易,它已成為西方世界家喻戶曉的入門甜品。
Vita 記得第一次吃到它時,是10年前在澳洲跟婆家第一次過聖誕節,當時完全不敢置信人間有如此美味的食物,而且婆婆的版本,好吃到外面完全無法比啊!

說到它的由來是為了紀念一位俄羅斯舞者 安娜 帕芙洛娃 (Anna Pavlova)所創造的。


Pavlova got to be my favourite dessert. It is a meringue-based dessert named after the Russian ballet dancer Anna Pavlova. It has a crisp crust and soft, light inside.

I still remember the first I ate it was in my first X'mas lunch with my in-law 10 years ago and I could not believe how delicious it was.  It was something I had never eaten before. My mum in law had always made the best pavlova which made me always look forward to have it again in X'mas every year.

婆婆的版本 Made by my mum in-law.
婆婆的版本 Made by my mum in-law.

準備時間: 20 分鐘                
烹飪時間: 60 分鐘
份量: 1 個

Preparation time: 20 minutes  
Baking time: 60 minutes  
Q'ty: 1 Pavlova




裝飾 :

水果 (無論你要用什麼水果裝飾都可以,建議奇異果、藍莓、紅莓、草莓、芒果口感較軟的水果皆可。)
超級濃稠的鮮奶油 1 瓶,約300 毫升(CC)
卡士達醬 1 瓶,約300毫升(CC)


3 x egg whites, room temperature

3/4 cup of white sugar 
2 tsp of corn flour 
3/4 tsp white vinegar 
1 tsp vanilla extract  
1 bottle of heavy whipped cream about 300 ml
1 bottle of custard sauce about 300 ml
Fruit -  I suggest kiwi fruit, mango, strawberries, blue berries or any kind soft texture fruit are fine to use. 

做法 / Direction: 


Pre-heat your over at 120 C / 250F.

1. 將3/4杯白砂糖+2茶匙太白粉攪拌均勻

a. Mix white sugar and corn flour well.  

2. 打三顆蛋白在非常乾淨的碗內,碗必須超級無敵乾淨,不可有油漬或水份

b. Place egg whites in a large clean bowl. (PS: Please make sure the bowl is very clean, no water or oil at all.) 

3. 若你沒有電動攪拌器,只有手打器的話,那就開始用盡吃奶力氣打勻它,打到蛋白約有點黏稠發泡狀 (手打器約3分鐘,電動攪拌氣約打1分鐘)
c. Beat the egg whites for 1 minute by electric mixer or 3 minutes by hand mixer.

Pour 1/3 of the sugar mixture into the egg whites; whisk until completely incorporated, about 1 minute. Repeat for the rest of the sugar mixture, whisking after each addition, until all of the sugar mixture is incorporated and the egg whites are glossy and thick. To test the meringue is done, you can turn the bowl upside down. If the meringue did not drop, it is ready.


4. 烤盤上舖烤紙,把發泡蛋白倒進烤盤,成 高3公分、直徑10公分的圓形狀,在湯勺在表面輕輕刮幾下,製造不規則狀,放進烤箱120C/250F 烤一個小時。

d. Lay a baking sheet on the baking tray. Spoon egg white mixture onto prepared baking sheet; spread out into a 3 cm high by 10 cm disc. Bake in the preheated oven for 1 hour. 

5. 一個小時過後,關掉烤箱,把烤箱門打開一點點,讓它在裡頭一個小時或幾個小時,甚至一天,放越久,蛋白霜裡面就會越酥脆,這是我婆婆教我的好吃秘訣。

e. After baking the pavlova for an hour, turn off the oven, crack open the oven door and let the Pavlova cool for one hour, few hours or even a day. Longer you left it in the oven, more crumbly it became.


 6. 無論你要用什麼水果裝飾都可以,但切記一定要買濃濃稠稠的鮮奶油+卡士達醬來舖在烤好的蛋身上。

f.  Transfer Pavlova to a serving plate. Top with whipped cream and fresh fruits.


