關於我/About me

一個在台灣長大,卻嫁到千哩遠澳洲布里斯本的彰化小孩。 超級痛恨為煮飯而煮飯,但卻可以為了烤出老公最愛的胡椒餅,站在廚房裡5個小時。 常任性地想吃彰化老家巷口的那家牛肉麵,想試試韓劇裡常出現的炸醬麵,想回味日本飯店早餐的那條鹹鮭魚配味噌湯,想吃看看電影當哈利遇上莎莉裡的那塊蘋果派...... 太陽獅子,上昇牡羊,月亮射手,其他大多是雙子的熱血在體內滾滾的留著,超級行動派外加喜歡挑戰新口味, 想吃就做,別囉唆是我的座右銘,正所謂任性無罪,好吃有理! 總而言之,無論你想吃中式,台式,韓式,日式還是西式料理,來吧!跟著Vita一起環遊世界,任性到底。 Hi everyone, I am Vita Tauté, a Taiwanese girl who is happily married and living in Australia since 2005. Do you hate cooking just for the sake of the cooking? Well I do! However, I love to create or explore the dishes that represent the different nationalities, as I truly believe from their cuisine you can get a better understanding and insight into their culture and life attitude. Fancy any Taiwanese, Chinese, Korean, Japanese or Western dishes? Well then, follow along and let me show you what I mean, in this blog, YOU DON'T HAVE TO GO IN SEARCH OF THE WORLD ANYMORE, BUT RATHER, THE WORLD WILL JUST COME TO YOU. So let's go Play to Plate! Woohoo~~~ Vita Tauté xoxox


筒仔米糕 / Sticky rice with pork mince


This tranditional sticky rice dish is a total no brainer! Don't you be scared by its' 3 hours preparation time, in fact, you only need to spend 5 minutes to through all ingridients together and viola, it is DONE!

準備時間 : 3 小時
Preparation time: 3 Hours

份量 : 2 碗
Q'ty: 2 serves

所需材料 / Ingrediants: 

長糯米 1.5杯  (圓糯米也可)   
紅蔥醬2.5 大匙 
豬絞肉 3 大匙   
醬油 1 大匙       
糖 1茶匙            
香油 少許  (無可)    
白胡椒粉 少許 (無可) 
Sticky Rice 1.5 cup
Shallot Sauce 2.5 Tbsp
Pork Mince 3 Tbsp 
Soy sauce 1 Tbsp 
Suger 1 tsp  
Sesame oil 1/2 tsp 
White Pepper powder 1/2 tsp  

配料 / Toppings

甜辣醬 Sweet chill sauce 
香菜   Coriander
魚鬆或肉鬆  Pork or fish floss

做法 / Direction:  

1. 糯米需泡水至少2小時
a. Soak sticky rice in water for at least 2 hours.

 2. 糯米浸泡完成後,拿一小鍋將豬肉炒至有點焦黃 ,加入紅蔥醬、醬油、糖、香油、白胡椒粉,一起拌個2分鐘。
b. After sticky rice is ready; get a fry pan and stir fry the pork mince until it turns golden brown then add all other ingrediants except sticky rice and stir them for 2 minutes.  

3. 將肉醬裝杯,份量約占杯子的1/3,杯內四周需抹點肉醬汁,才不會黏米糕。
c. Fill the mince stuffing to the cup until 1/3 full. Use some mince oil/sauce to spray inside the cup surface, otherwise the rice will stick to the cup and you will not be able to remove them from the cup easily.

4. 將浸泡過的糯米裝進杯內至8分滿,然後拿個杯子壓壓米的表面,使其緊實,最後加水至剛好蓋過糯米,下鍋蒸約50分鐘。

PS: 若你用鋁杯、並有大同電鍋者,約1.5杯外鍋水即可。
PS: 若你用玻璃杯, 並有大同電鍋者,應該約2.5杯外鍋水,我沒試過,你有試過的話告訴我。

d. Fill the cup with rice until it's 80% full and use the botton of glass to press it in order to make the content tight; then pour the water for just enougth to cover the rice. Steam them for 50 minutes.

5. 蒸好後,那把用熱水燙過的小刀子,延杯內的邊緣劃一圈,拿個碗蓋在杯上,然後翻轉過來。
e. Heat the knight blade with running hot water and run that knight blade around the edges of your glass.
 Cover the glass with a serving bowl and turn it upside down to dish the rice. 

6. 呈盤後加點甜辣醬、香菜及魚鬆(肉鬆),即可。
g. Serve it with some sweet chill sauce, fish (pork) floss and coriander.   

