Vita今天過得很幸運,一大早巔峰時間上了滿滿的公車,居然就坐到全車最棒的位子 。
一到公司,電梯也不像平常那樣,讓我等的望穿秋水,居然一按鈕,叮~ 門就開了。
無論你今天過得如何,現在身在何處,今年幾歲,從事什麼行業,現在是快樂 還是悲傷!
Vita 在這世界小小的一個角落,想要把這份甜甜的禮物 獻給你,但願你微笑再現,哪怕只是嘴角往上提升了0.0005公厘!
How was your Monday? Pretty good or still trying to figure out how did you survive today.
Well, I had a pretty good day and now I would like to share this recipe with you and hope this will put the smile back to your face.
Here is my NO Brainer dessert!
準備時間:20 分鐘
Preparation Time: 20 Minutes
份量:6 顆
Q'ty: 6
材料: 酥皮兩張、蛋黃50克、白糖25克、鮮奶25克、無鹽鮮奶油100克。
Ingrediants: 2 puffy pastry sheets, Egg York 50 g, Milk 25 g, Sugar 25g, cream 100g.
A Pre-heat oven for 200 C
2. 將牛奶,糖,蛋黃,鮮奶油加在一起攪拌;若手邊有香草精
B. Mix milk, sugar,egg yorks & cream together. You may also add 1 tea spoon of vanilla essence to give more flavor.
3. 把酥皮切圓狀
C. Cut round shape of Puff pastry.
4. 把切好的圓狀酥皮,一個個排進烤盤,周圍多餘酥皮請捲進 來,會製造周圍酥脆的口感。
D. Place your round shape puffy pastries to the tray, roll the extra pasty into the surface will create an extra crispy texiture.
D. Place your round shape puffy pastries to the tray, roll the extra pasty into the surface will create an extra crispy texiture.
5. 把剛剛攪拌好的汁液倒8分滿到塔皮。放進200C的烤箱
E. Pour the mixture liquid into puffy pastry for about 80% full。Bake for about 15 mins at 200 C degree.
Here you are, enjoy!!
Here you are, enjoy!!