今天上班時,同事們搶光了我做的鳳梨蛋糕,除了一位女生,她無法吃任何含麥類的食品,也就是所謂的麩質不耐症患者。因此我想把這道超級健康的蛋糕介紹給這些麩質不耐症的朋友,食材裡沒有麵粉,而是 用杏仁粉末,並用了最不讓人發胖的木糖醇及五顆大橘子來代替, 非常適合麩質不耐症、怕胖或有糖尿病的朋友喔。
(你有麩質不耐症嗎? 請參考此網址。)
This moist mandarin cake is gluten free and totally low
Best cake for those who are suffering for diabetes and
wanting to have a healthy diet option. I wish you give a try as I know you will
enjoy it.
* 3 large or 5 medium mandarins
* 4 large eggs
* 3/4 cup xylitol sugar
(You can substitute by caster sugar.)
* 1 tsp baking powder
* 200 g almond meal
3/4杯木糖醇 或白糖
做法 / Method:
1: 烤箱預熱180度。將蛋糕模具先抹點奶油,並在底部與周圍鋪上烤紙。
1. Preheat oven to 180°C/160°C fan-forced. Grease the cake pan and line base and side with baking paper.
2: 把橘子放在鍋內,加水稍微蓋過橘子
2. Put Mandarine in a pan with whole and skin in, cover with water and boil for 45 minutes, leave to cool.
3: 把放涼的橘子放在一個盤子上,把仔挑出,流出來的汁不要 丟到。挑完籽的橘子整顆連皮放進果汁機或食物處理機裡打 成泥,約可打成一杯多一點點的果肉。
3. Using a plate to catch any juices, cut the mandarins and
discard the seeds. Puree the fresh, juice and skins in a blender or food
processor. You should have just over 1 cup of pulp.
4: 加糖打蛋約5分鐘,把蛋打到濃稠狀態, 然後再加發酵粉,杏仁粉,繼續打勻,最後加果肉一起攪拌均勻。
4. Beat the eggs and sugar until thick, it takes about 5 minutes. Then add baking powder, almond meals and mandarine pulp; mix well.
4. Beat the eggs and sugar until thick, it takes about 5 minutes. Then add baking powder, almond meals and mandarine pulp; mix well.
4. 將蛋糕液倒入模具中, 烤約35至45分鐘,或是用竹籤插進蛋糕內,抽出時沒黏蛋糕液,即完成。
4. Spoon into the cake tin, bake for 35 to 45 minutes or until a skewer inserted in the centre of the cake comes out clean.