關於我/About me

一個在台灣長大,卻嫁到千哩遠澳洲布里斯本的彰化小孩。 超級痛恨為煮飯而煮飯,但卻可以為了烤出老公最愛的胡椒餅,站在廚房裡5個小時。 常任性地想吃彰化老家巷口的那家牛肉麵,想試試韓劇裡常出現的炸醬麵,想回味日本飯店早餐的那條鹹鮭魚配味噌湯,想吃看看電影當哈利遇上莎莉裡的那塊蘋果派...... 太陽獅子,上昇牡羊,月亮射手,其他大多是雙子的熱血在體內滾滾的留著,超級行動派外加喜歡挑戰新口味, 想吃就做,別囉唆是我的座右銘,正所謂任性無罪,好吃有理! 總而言之,無論你想吃中式,台式,韓式,日式還是西式料理,來吧!跟著Vita一起環遊世界,任性到底。 Hi everyone, I am Vita Tauté, a Taiwanese girl who is happily married and living in Australia since 2005. Do you hate cooking just for the sake of the cooking? Well I do! However, I love to create or explore the dishes that represent the different nationalities, as I truly believe from their cuisine you can get a better understanding and insight into their culture and life attitude. Fancy any Taiwanese, Chinese, Korean, Japanese or Western dishes? Well then, follow along and let me show you what I mean, in this blog, YOU DON'T HAVE TO GO IN SEARCH OF THE WORLD ANYMORE, BUT RATHER, THE WORLD WILL JUST COME TO YOU. So let's go Play to Plate! Woohoo~~~ Vita Tauté xoxox


韓式人蔘雞 / Ginseng chicken soup Samgyetang 삼계탕


If you had tasted this tranditional Korean Ginseng chicken soup, you will know how much it could warm up your heart. If you never taste it before, this is THE dish will bring you to Korea, the Kingdom of the Ginseng plant. 

總時間: 125分鐘 (操作時間5分鐘、烹煮時間 60 分鐘、準備時間60分鐘)
份量: 約4人份

Time: 125 minutes 
Q'ty: 4 serves 

Please click the following black words for cooking instructions. 


1. 小型全雞一隻 約500~600公克 
2. 人蔘雞湯材料包 (如果沒有料理包,就準備4-6紅棗,小根人蔘 1~2根,糯米1/4杯)
3. 6 顆大蒜
4. 蔥末少許

Small chicken (about 500~600g)
6 cloves of garlic
green onions
1 x Ginseng chicken base pack ( It could be found in Korean grocery shop; or you can buy those ingredients in Korean grocery shop for 1/4 cup of sweet rice(sticky rice), 4-6 jujubes and  1 or 2 small ginseng roots. )


1. 將糯米泡水約1小時。

1. Soak sweet rice for 1 hours. 

2. 將雞清洗乾淨,將所有材料放到雞的肚子裡(蔥除外)。

2. Wash the chicken with cold running water. Stuff the chicken with all the ingredients except green onion. 

3. 將雞放進陶鍋內(普通鍋子可),水倒入後,大火滾個20分鐘,並將浮上表面渣渣及泡沫撈掉,然後用中火熬煮40分鐘。

3. Place the chicken in a ceramic pot; pour water into the pot and boil it over high heat for 20 minutes. When it starts boiling, skim off any foam and fat that rises to the surface Then pour in more water and boil it over medium heat for 40 minutes.

4. 盛碗後,灑點鹽巴、黑胡椒及蔥花即可。 

4. Serve it with salt, pepper & green onion.

