關於我/About me

一個在台灣長大,卻嫁到千哩遠澳洲布里斯本的彰化小孩。 超級痛恨為煮飯而煮飯,但卻可以為了烤出老公最愛的胡椒餅,站在廚房裡5個小時。 常任性地想吃彰化老家巷口的那家牛肉麵,想試試韓劇裡常出現的炸醬麵,想回味日本飯店早餐的那條鹹鮭魚配味噌湯,想吃看看電影當哈利遇上莎莉裡的那塊蘋果派...... 太陽獅子,上昇牡羊,月亮射手,其他大多是雙子的熱血在體內滾滾的留著,超級行動派外加喜歡挑戰新口味, 想吃就做,別囉唆是我的座右銘,正所謂任性無罪,好吃有理! 總而言之,無論你想吃中式,台式,韓式,日式還是西式料理,來吧!跟著Vita一起環遊世界,任性到底。 Hi everyone, I am Vita Tauté, a Taiwanese girl who is happily married and living in Australia since 2005. Do you hate cooking just for the sake of the cooking? Well I do! However, I love to create or explore the dishes that represent the different nationalities, as I truly believe from their cuisine you can get a better understanding and insight into their culture and life attitude. Fancy any Taiwanese, Chinese, Korean, Japanese or Western dishes? Well then, follow along and let me show you what I mean, in this blog, YOU DON'T HAVE TO GO IN SEARCH OF THE WORLD ANYMORE, BUT RATHER, THE WORLD WILL JUST COME TO YOU. So let's go Play to Plate! Woohoo~~~ Vita Tauté xoxox


鹽燒手羽 / Salted grilled chicken wing Japanese style

南半球的夏天已悄悄地來臨,澳洲人熱愛的水上活動,及BBQ趴替也大拉拉的展開了,你們的比基尼身材準備好了嗎? 哈哈,我還在努力中。在澳洲,不管趴在哪,是酒趴、烤肉趴、露營趴、還是海邊趴,總之,澳佬定是找盡理由來玩樂!

今天分享的是這道超級簡單的趴替菜~ 鹽燒手羽,說穿了就是烤雞翅,誰能想到只要鹽巴就能將雞肉的鮮美整個帶出,並將表面烤出酥脆的雞皮,再配杯冰涼的生啤,讚到爆表!!!!這是我最愛的趴替料理及下酒菜之一,做法超級簡單,食材取得容易又便宜,只要一上桌,保證馬上被搶光光。

Summer is on the conrner in Southern Hemisphere. And we Aussies will find all the excuses in the world to have parties! 
This grilled hicken wing Japanese style is so easy to prepare and they are the best combination with icy cold beer. 

Are you folks ready for Summer? I am soooooo ready and hope you all have a fantastic Summber party season.

準備時間: 2分鐘
燒烤時間: 25 分鐘
份量: 3-4 人份

Preparation time: 2 minutes
Grill time: 25 minutes
Q'ty: 3~ 4 serves 


雞翅 25 支
日本料理酒 (白酒可)
鹽巴 3 大匙
日式七味粉 (無可)


Chicken wings (25 pieces)
Sake (or white wine) 
Sea salt 3 tbs
Shichimi togarashi (Japanese Seven Spice) - this is optional. You can find it in Asian grocery shop. 
Lemon wedges 


1. 將雞翅整個泡在酒裡約10~15分鐘。
1. Soak the chicken wings in wine for 10 to 15 minutes, make sure the liqid covers the chicken completely. 

2. 將烤盤鋪上錫箔紙,防止雞油滴到烤箱表面。
2. Line the bottom of a broiler pan with aluminum foil and place the broiler rack on top.
3.  用布或餐巾紙將雞翅的水分吸乾。
3. Dry pat the chicken by using paper towel.

4. 將雞翅擺上烤盤,兩面灑上鹽巴和黑胡椒,然後將雞皮那面朝下。
4. Sprinkle salt generously and pepper, and flip the wings to sprinkle the other side. Keep the skin side down.

5. 將烤盤放進烤箱,離上火處約15公分距離,以250度C上火烤約15分鐘;然後翻面再烤10分鐘。
5. Turn the grill on 250C and place the grill pan in the oven about 15 cm away from the heat element. Cook for 15 minutes and flip to cook the other side (skin side) for 10 minutes.

6. 上桌前,灑上七味粉和檸檬汁,即可。
6. Sprinkle some shichimi togarashi and lemon jucie before serve.

